Summarizing Text Summarization

There are many tasks in natural language processing that are challenging. This blog entry is on text summarization, which briefly summarizes the survey article on this topic. (arXiv:1707.02268) The authors of the article defined the task to be

Automatic text summarization is the task of producing a concise and fluent summary while preserving key information content and overall meaning.

There are basically two approaches to this task:

  • extractive summarization: identifying important sections of the text, and extracting them; and
  • abstractive summarization: producing summary text in a new way.

Most algorithmic methods developed are of the extractive type, while most human writers summarize using abstractive approach. There are many methods in extractive approach, such as identifying given keywords, identifying sentences similar to the title, or wrangling the text at the beginning of the documents.

How do we instruct the machines to perform extractive summarization? The authors mentioned about two representations: topic and indicator. In topic representations, frequencies, tf-idf, latent semantic indexing (LSI), or topic models (such as latent Dirichlet allocation, LDA) are used. However, simply extracting these sentences out with these algorithms may not generate a readable summary. Employment of knowledge bases or considering contexts (from web search, e-mail conversation threads, scientific articles, author styles etc.) are useful.

In indicator representation, the authors mentioned the graph methods, inspired by PageRank. (see this) “Sentences form vertices of the graph and edges between the sentences indicate how similar the two sentences are.” And the key sentences are identified with ranking algorithms. Of course, machine learning methods can be used too.

Evaluation on the performance on text summarization is difficult. Human evaluation is unavoidable, but with manual approaches, some statistics can be calculated, such as ROUGE.

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Python Package for Short Text Mining

There has been a lot of methods for natural language processing and text mining. However, in tweets, surveys, Facebook, or many online data, texts are short, lacking data to build enough information. Traditional bag-of-words (BOW) model gives sparse vector representation.

Semantic relations between words are important, because we usually do not have enough data to capture the similarity between words. We do not want “drive” and “drives,” or “driver” and “chauffeur” to be completely different.

The relation between or order of words become important as well. Or we want to capture the concepts that may be correlated in our training dataset.

We have to represent these texts in a special way and perform supervised learning with traditional machine learning algorithms or deep learning algorithms.

This package `shorttext‘ was designed to tackle all these problems. It is not a completely new invention, but putting everything known together. It contains the following features:

  • example data provided (including subject keywords and NIH RePORT);
  • text preprocessing;
  • pre-trained word-embedding support;
  • gensim topic models (LDA, LSI, Random Projections) and autoencoder;
  • topic model representation supported for supervised learning using scikit-learn;
  • cosine distance classification; and
  • neural network classification (including ConvNet, and C-LSTM).

Readers can refer this to the documentation.

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Useful Python Packages

(Taken from, adapted from

Python is the basic programming languages if one wants to work on data nowadays. Its popularity comes with its intuitive syntax, its support of several programming paradigms, and the package numpy (Numerical Python). Yes, if you asked which package is a “must-have” outside the standard Python packages, I would certainly name numpy.

Let me list some useful packages that I have found useful:

  1. numpy: Numerical Python. Its basic data type is ndarray, which acts like a vector with vectorized calculation support. It makes Python to perform matrix calculation efficiently like MATLAB and Octave. It supports a lot of commonly used linear algebraic algorithms, such as eigenvalue problems, SVD etc. It is the basic of a lot of other Python packages that perform heavy numerical computation. It is such an important package that, in some operating systems, numpy comes with Python as well.
  2. scipy: Scientific Python. It needs numpy, but it supports also sparse matrices, special functions, statistics, numerical integration…
  3. matplotlib: Graph plotting.
  4. scikit-learn: machine learning library. It contains a number of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms.
  5. nltk: natural language processing. It provides not only basic tools like stemmers, lemmatizers, but also some algorithms like maximum entropy, tf-idf vectorizer etc. It provides a few corpuses, and supports WordNet dictionary.
  6. gensim: another useful natural language processing package with an emphasis on topic modeling. It mainly supports Word2Vec, latent semantic indexing (LSI), and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). It is convenient to construct term-document matrices, and convert them to matrices in numpy or scipy.
  7. networkx: a package that supports both undirected and directed graphs. It provides basic algorithms used in graphs.
  8. sympy: Symbolic Python. I am not good at this package, but I know mathics and SageMath are both based on it.
  9. pandas: it supports data frame handling like R. (I have not used this package as I am a heavy R user.)

Of course, if you are a numerical developer, to save you a good life, install Anaconda.

There are some other packages that are useful, such as PyCluster (clustering), xlrd (Excel files read/write), PyGame (writing games)… But since I have not used them, I would rather mention it in this last paragraph, not to endorse but avoid devaluing it.

Don’t forget to type in your IPython Notebook:

import antigravity

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